Whether it’s between mothers and sons, fathers and daughters, siblings, friends or partners – LOVE is arguably the most powerful force in the world. We would do anything for those we love and care about. We’re not talking about the big grand gestures that you would see in movies. We believe LOVE is in everything that we do. It’s the small things in our everyday lives – from offering those we LOVE a comforting hug after a long day to caring about what they’re doing to stay healthy. Are they eating nutritious foods that are good for them? Are they drinking enough water? It’s important to keep these things in mind about those you LOVE, as much as it’s important to stay hydrated.
Fall back in LOVE with water
We believe that you cannot have enough LOVE, which is what inspired us to search high and low for the most loving and nutritional ingredients from all around the world to bring you our LOVE microdrink. With the perfect combination of pomegranate, goji berry, and acerola, one drop of LOVE will certainly turn your dull glass of water into a refreshing beverage. One could even say that it will remind you of the feeling of being in love and feeling loved. You’ll find yourself falling back in LOVE with water. Staying hydrated will be just a breeze.

The ingredients of LOVE
When it comes to conventional LOVE, the ingredients that would contribute to it would be along the lines of honesty, understanding, listening, patience, and trust. Our interpretation of LOVE is slightly different, as we not only searched for ingredients which are healthy for you but also delicious and refreshing. We decidedly went for a balanced blend of pomegranate, goji berry, and acerola.

Originated in South Asia, pomegranates are considered to be one of the healthiest foods on the planet. Their popularity has already travelled across the globe. Warm climate countries, such as Brazil or Turkey, are their usual habitats. The fruit itself is considered to be a type of berry. Although the skin is inedible, it’s what’s inside that counts.
Pomegranate seeds are edible and covered with a red, juicy part called aril – similar to what you would find in lychee but much smaller. The seeds are filled with nutrients that offer countless benefits such as punicalagin, which has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Its natural flavor is reminiscent of fresh blackcurrants.

Goji Berry
The small but great goji berry or also known as “Chinese wolfberry” has been used in traditional Chinese and Asian medicine for over 2,000 years. They are native to the northwest region of China but are also quite popular in other Asian countries. Goji berries are usually used in dried or powdered form. A fresh goji berry is small, has a vibrantly red hue, and carries a sweet but slightly sour taste.
In the last few decades, they have been popularized in western countries due to their antioxidant and anti-ageing properties. Studies have also shown that the regular consumption of goji berries can help strengthen a person’s liver, kidneys, and lungs, as well as improve their general well being and immune functions.

Acerola or, as some people know it – acerola cherries. Despite their cherry-like appearance, they are actually berries that originated in South America and the Caribbean. Other than its fiery red color, acerola is also known for its delicious taste, sourish aroma, and its abundance in vitamin C. This is one of the reasons it’s been used to help with colds or flus. It could also be helpful with treating skin blemishes and increasing skin elasticity, due to its antioxidant properties.
The taste of the berry itself has been described as sweet, fragrant, and astringent. However, if you’d like to taste one for yourself, we recommend growing them. This is because acerola is also known for its perishability. They would start to decompose shortly after harvesting and would decay within five days – losing its richness in vitamin C. Even its juices spoil quite quickly without preservatives. Don’t let that discourage you though, you can still enjoy its benefits and a hint of its refreshing taste in your cube of LOVE!
How important is LOVE and how to enjoy it
To this point, we’ve discussed quite a bit about LOVE and its ingredients – but how important is it? In the traditional sense, some may say LOVE is what sustains us. We need it to survive and thrive, not so different from water. Even the mildest hydration can have a drastic effect on your mental and physical health. You need to make sure to get enough LOVE and water each day. From daily family hugs to staying hydrated with 64oz (2L) of water or whatever your personal daily goal may be, these are crucial things to live a sustainable and healthy life. If you find that you need help with drinking more water, we would recommend adding a little LOVE to it.

You can enjoy LOVE with ice cold water to refresh you after a long hard day or even on a warm summer day. The fruity taste of pomegranate, goji berry, and acerola will surely help you fall back in LOVE with water again and melt away your thirst. If you’re looking for a more refreshing sensation, you can always add your LOVE microdrinks to sparkling water. We would recommend adding the cube to a small amount of carbonated water and let it dissolve first, then add the rest of it to your preference. This is to avoid an overflow of LOVE while the microdrink dissolves. For those special occasions, where you need a bit more pizzazz to your drink, you can always make yourself a LOVE Potion mocktail.
Here’s what you’ll need for it:
- 2x waterdrop® LOVE
- 1L Sparkling water
- 1 Orange
- 1 Lemon
- 1 Pomegranate
- Fresh thyme sprigs
- Ice cubes
- Dissolve your LOVE cubes in sparkling water.
- Mix in the juice of half a lemon and half an orange.
- Slice the remaining lemon and orange halves and add them to your carafe.
- Stir in pomegranate seeds and ice cubes and arrange with sprigs of thyme.
Tip: You can also add a little something with a little more kick to the mixture and we promise we won’t tell!
Whichever way you like to get your dose of LOVE, whether it be through dinners, hugs, kisses or microdrinks – as long as you’re getting enough of it, we’re happy with that!