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The finest of ingredients packaged into one small cube.
A stimulating and nutritious ingredient, elderflower is often used as a remedy for coughs and colds and has been enjoyed for milennia due to its irresistable aroma and delicate floral flavour.
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The spicy and rich ginger taste, with its natural aroma, evokes a soothing sensation in the body. A wonderful scent as well as the pleasant warmth and the slight sharpness of the ginger kindle the senses.
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The Physalis, also known as Golden Berry, is native to the Andes in Chile and Peru. As a plant it grows up to 2 metres high and has a slightly sour but sweet taste.
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With its Latin name "rosmarinus" meaning "dew of the sea", rosemary is particularly common on rocky cliffs in the Mediterranean area. Today, the fragrant rosemary is known as a spice, medicinal and aromatic plant.
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Ursprünglich aus dem asiatischen Raum, wird die Pfefferminze nicht nur häufig als Gewürz, sondern auch als Heilmittel verwendet. Dank ihres hohen Mentholgehalts ist sie vielseitig einsetzbar und hat einen angenehm kühlenden Effekt.
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Das natürliche Aroma mit Pfirsich-Geschmack in YOUTH belebt deine Welt. Der süße, saftige Geschmack des Pfirsichs erinnert an unbeschwerte Sommertage in Omas Obstgarten. Ohne Pfirsich möchte man gar nicht auskommen, oder?
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The spicy and rich ginger taste, with its natural aroma, evokes a soothing sensation in the body. A wonderful scent as well as the pleasant warmth and the slight sharpness of the ginger kindle the senses.
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Originally cultivated in Zhejiang, China, the peach (or Prunus persica as it’s also known) is one of the most popular members of the stone fruit family. Well-loved by many for its sweet aroma and juicy flesh, peaches are rich in nutrients such as Vitamins A and C and promote healthy cognitive function and brain health.
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A plant that grows in the mountains of East Asia, Ginseng or “人参” as it’s commonly known, is used all over the world – especially in the field of traditional Chinese medicine where it is indispensable. Ginseng is traditionally used for medical purposes, but it is increasingly seen in drinks and supplements due to it boosting health benefits such as blood sugar regulation and building immune function.
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The unique pineberry is one of the oldest varieties of the common strawberry, attracting many admirers with its small shape. First discovered in Europe in the 19th century, the white to slightly pink fruit owes its name to its sweet, fresh taste, reminiscent of pineapple.
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Originally from South America, the passion fruit is now loved for its freshness and intense flavour all over the world. Full of valuable vitamins, it is often used for juices and salads.
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Born in America and grown up as a remedy used by the Aztecs, the juicy-sweet cactus fruit has achieved world recognition. The soft flesh with its edible seeds has become an indispensable source of nutrients in the lives of millions.
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With its sweet and tart taste, this dark purple berry is unmistakably fruity and gives off a rich and full aroma. Not only is it delicious, including blackcurrant in your diet also helps improve blood pressure and lower your cholesterol.
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A traditional food of the Amazon people, the acai berry is a superfruit native to the rainforests of South America. Harvested from acai palm trees, this grape-like berry is packed with antioxidants, amino acids and essential fatty acids with an aromatic red-wine flavour.
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The so-called "Chinese wolfberry" has its roots in Asia and is an integral part of traditional Chinese medicine. Its sweet and sour taste has taken over the world in recent years and since enchanted countless palates.
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Lime blossom, also known as Tilia, is found in various parts of Europe and eastern North America. When ingested, lime blossom extract has soothing effects which can help with inflammation, headaches and stress thanks to its calming properties.
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A dark purple berry hailing from the black elder tree, this is a popular ingredient highly sought after for its antioxidant and immune boosting properties. Tart, earthy and sweet all at the same time, it is frequently found in supplements and home remedies, as it does wonders for
the common cold and flu.
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The pomegranate originally comes from Pakistan, but has already set up shop all over the world. Warm climates, whether in Brazil or Turkey, are its usual habitat. Its natural flavour is reminiscent of fresh blackcurrants.
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Herb und zugleich süß im Geschmack, ist die dunkelviolette Beere des schwarzen Holunderbaums dank ihrer antioxidativen und immunstärkenden Eigenschaften allseits beliebt. Besonders häufig wird sie für Nahrungsergänzungsmittel sowie Hausmittel verwendet und kann bei Grippe und Erkältung wahre Wunder bewirken.
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Der Granatapfel stammt ursprünglich aus Pakistan, hat seine Zelte aber bereits in der ganzen Welt aufgeschlagen. Dort, wo es warm ist, fühlt er sich wohl – so auch in Brasilien und der Türkei. Sein natürlicher Geschmack erinnert an frische Johannisbeeren.
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Die sogenannte „chinesische Wolfsbeere“ hat ihre Wurzeln in Asien und ist in der Traditionellen Chinesischen Medizin nicht mehr wegzudenken. Ihr süß-saurer Geschmack hat in den letzten Jahren die Welt erobert und verzaubert seitdem unzählige Gaumen.
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Die Lindenblüte ist vor allem für ihre beruhigende Wirkung beliebt. Weiters eignet sie sich hervorragend zur Behandlung von Erkältungen und Magen-/Darmbeschwerden.
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A well-known and uniquely delicious fruit, the raspberry is cultivated around the world and is enjoyed for its sweet and slightly tart flavour. Containing multiple valuable vitamins, such as vitamin C, this tasty berry is one of the most popular for a reason.
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The natural aroma of fresh lime turns your water into a refreshing experience. Originally from Southeast Asia, the green fruit called Citrus latifolia is known all over the world, not least because of its uniqueness in taste and its captivating, vibrant colour.
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Unlike the coffee we are all familiar with, green coffee extract is drawn from raw and unroasted beans. Its delightful herbal flavour accompanies the plentiful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory qualities that make it a sought after ingredient.
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The name says it all. Derived from the leaves of the lemon (citrus limon), lemon leaf is a botanical ingredient with a strong citrusy aroma. Naturally rich in Vitamin C, it is frequently used in skincare and fragrance products as well as to season dishes and entrees.
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Discover the powerful extract of acerola, an ingredient indispensable to the Mayas because of its value. The fire-red berry stands out for its tasty, sourish aroma, which always guarantees refreshment.
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Discover the taste of mango with its mouthwatering natural aroma. This heavenly, sweet fruit from the wild mango tree ‘Mangifera sylvatica’, was first documented in the Indian region many centuries ago. Incidentally, mango is a close cousin of the cashew nut, comes in all colors and sizes, but always tastes
best when fresh and ripe.
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Originally hailing from Asia but now well-loved across the world, the ripe flesh of an apricot has a subtle sweetness that makes you yearn for more. Not only is the fruit a great source of minerals, fibres and vitamins, the kernels within are frequently found in Chinese medicine to treat ailments such as a cough, constipation and asthma. This is truly an all-rounder superfruit you can’t get enough of.
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Originally from Southeast Asia, the star fruit is particularly striking because of its star-shaped form. It grows as a fruit on trees and is also known as carambola.
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The long tradition of white tea has its origin in the Chinese province of Fujian. This type of tea is produced from buds covered with white downy fluff: hence its name.
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Lemongrass is native to Southeast Asia and grows there as an evergreen plant up to 2 metres high. Its essential oils give the herb a subtle lemony taste.
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The contained extract of the hibiscus flower is native to the tropical areas of this world. There, the exquisite hibiscus flower has become famous as a relaxing drink under the name Agua de Jamaica. Although there are over 600 known species, it is always characterized by its distinctive calyx and its pleasant tart taste.
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Not only is cucumber a healthy snack, but also a food rich in nutrients and antioxidants. Consisting of 96% water, this globally popular fruit promotes health and wellness, as well as provides a refreshing taste.
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Considered by some as one of the best summer fruits, the refreshing and sweet taste of watermelon gained its popularity since ancient Egypt. Other than its high water content, this berry – yes, that's right, berry – contains many essential vitamins and minerals.
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Commonly known as a medicinal plant, thyme not only adds an aromatic note but also helps the body fight respiratory diseases. The essential oil in it has an antioxidant effect and can also inhibit bacteria, viruses and fungi.
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Used for centuries by the indigenous peoples of the Amazon to make energy-giving drinks, the invigorating guayusa plant enjoys worldwide popularity today. Its mild fruity flavour and natural caffeine stimulate the senses and increase performance.
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Known for the intense colour of its flesh, the guava pleases with its pleasant sweet and sour taste. Full of valuable vitamins and minerals, this tropical fruit also strengthens the immune system.
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The rainforest plant is known for its red hull and its appearance. However, the core of the guarana is processed in the size of a coffee bean.
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On barbed tendrils you can find the berry beauty with the strong colour, which is one of the oldest types of fruit – the blackberry.
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Located in West Africa, the bitter cola nut is a symbol of hospitality in some cultures and is used in ceremonies.
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The Japanese Cherry Blossom (桜 sakura) stands for beauty, departure and transience. In addition to its important symbolism in the culture of the Far East, it also offers culinary delights and unfolds delicate aromas of almonds and spring blossoms.
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The soothing medicinal plant mallow originates from southern Eurasia and has been used to treat sore throats and coughs since the antiquity. It has a mild, pleasant taste and is an excellent remedy for heartburn and digestive problems.
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A real superfood and one of the world's most popular fruit varieties. Known for its positive health effects and its unique flavour, it also acts as an antioxidant.
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Originally from Asia, peppermint is not only frequently used as a spice but also as a remedy. Thanks to its high menthol content, it is versatile and has a pleasant cooling effect.
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The popular medicinal plant is primarily known for its citrus scent and antioxidant effect: its aromatic leaves are often used to perfect a wide variety of dishes.
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Thanks to its high-quality nutrients and numerous antioxidants, the mildly aromatic Green Tea is one of the most popular teas in the world.
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This South African plant enjoys popularity around the world. Not only is its classical taste appealing, the minerals it contains and its positive effects on our health also speak for themselves.
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Native to South Africa, honeybush is especially known for its nourishing qualities. Indigenous peoples have appreciated the beneficial properties of the plant, such as its positive influence on bones, teeth and water balance.
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Popular all over Europe, black tea is a beloved classic thanks to its gentle, tangy flavour. It is said to have positive effects on one's metabolism and cholesterol levels.
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Renowned for its beneficial effects for centuries, honey unfolds its healing powers for more than just colds. Full of important antioxidants and known for its sweet taste, honey is a true miracle cure.
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Also known as the golden spice, turmeric can be found in traditional and modern medicine. Turmeric is used as an energy supplier and supports the digestion. It has natural-antiseptic and antibacterial effects and provides an overall inner radiance.
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Chilli has been a beloved ingredient in many cultures for thousands of years. It has a stimulating effect on the metabolism, supports your energy balance and provides an exciting taste kick.
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The apple is the symbol of life, fertility and love in all Euro-Asian cultures. Pure or as an ingredient it enjoys great popularity everywhere.
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